14 Mar Bridgeville-Greenwood master plan
Cedar Creek and the University of Delaware’s Sustainable Coastal Communities Initiative collaborated on a “doable” master plan emphasizing water quality.
The two towns are in the Upper Nanticoke Watershed, which is part of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s limits on pollution from nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment. The University and planners engaged the towns with the Community Viz weTable technology, allowing residents and community leaders to “paint” their desired growth outcome on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform.
Cedar Creek conducted dozens of interviews with state agencies, town leaders, businesses, developers and others. Lee Ann wrote and designed the reader-friendly plan, written for citizens rather than regulators. She also built the tables, charts and graphic elements contained in the plan. The draft plan is still being reviewed by local, county and state stakeholders. The result is a much more sustainable growth plan that focuses on “town-like” development rather than continuing low-density residential growth on individual septic systems.
Update: The Greenwood Town Commission adopted the Master Plan on August 5, 2014. The Bridgeville Planning and Zoning Commission approved the plan and sent it to the Town Commission at its September 16, 2014 meeting. Please download and view the final draft.
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