Securing resources
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Securing resources

Lee Ann has worked with communities and nonprofits to secure resources they need to advance their missions.

In Laurel, she worked with the town, Laurel Redevelopment Corporation, Sussex County Habitat for Humanity and Milford Housing Development Corporation to secure a $500,000 Strong Neighborhoods Fund grant from the Delaware State Housing Authority. Her work included writing the proposal, creating supporting maps and graphics, and assembling the final application. The grant has been put to use purchasing, rehabilitating and constructing new homes in the Old Town section of Laurel.

bond bill

Bond Bill proposal for Laurel

Also in Laurel, she worked with the Laurel Redevelopment Corporation and the town to ask for about $500,000 in funding from the state Bond Bill and the legislative Community Improvements Program. The money is being used to purchase strategic properties along the Broad Creek waterfront and as a cash match to DelDOT’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to begin building a planned trail along the waterfront. TAP will be a multi-phase project, beginning with $1 million for the first phase.Lee Ann prepared a history of revitalization efforts in Laurel into a visually attractive, readable package. Here is the proposal she prepared.

The successful Laurel Downtown Development District application qualifies developers, business owners and homeowners within the district for rebates and incentives on projects. Lee Ann prepared the application and District Plan and shepherded the application through the state process. Several projects have qualified for the incentives, including 10 waterfront villas that will be built on Broad Creek.

She helped St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Wilmington develop a successful stewardship campaign that increased pledges by about 50 percent over the previous campaign. Her role included offering best stewardship practices, producing a video, and designing a stewardship brochure. She also has worked with her own church, Christ Episcopal in Dover, to develop successful themed stewardship campaigns through the use of video, compelling brochures and supporting events.